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Old 09-20-2012, 12:36 PM   #36
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Your statement is not factual. You need to re-read Romney's recorded statement, or listen to it more carefully.

By tagging 47 percent of America as irresponsible, Obama-supporting government dependents, Romney showed again that his politics are grounded in false liberal premises.

Romney's statement at a closed-door fundraiser reflected the mistaken liberal view that the growth of government mostly redistributes wealth downward -- it doesn't. He also implicitly bought into the Left's narrow view that both tax cuts and welfare programs mostly benefit the immediate recipients. Finally, Romney conflated tax cuts with government aid, reflecting the perverse mindset that all wealth originally belongs to the state.
Mitt was talking about political estimates of his supporters, and estimates of Obama's supporters, for the upcoming Fall election.

He wasn't discussing economic, welfare, or monetary theories.

You're implying a great deal about his talk at the fundraiser last May, that simply was not included.

Listen to his talk again, keeping in mind the setting - a political fundraiser, and this was back in May. It's not a talk about theories. It's a talk about political realities that he expected to see, in the Fall.
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