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Old 09-20-2012, 12:21 AM   #28
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
In November, we have a clear choice:

* Re-elect Obama - a guy who is strongly for socialism and doing things "fairly". Who's also never run a lemonade stand.

* and his V.P., an idiot named Joe Biden. Who, as a President, would scare the shit out of anyone.


* Elect Romney - who has been saving businesses, most of his life, and is a strong believer in the capitalism our country was founded on.

* and his V.P. candidate, a former head of the finance and budget committee in the Senate.

Which of those two choices would you prefer?

How does this "fair" idea work?

Here's an easy to understand idea, for students:

You work very hard, get a 3.8 point grade average. Your next door neighbor (also a student), hardly does much more than party, and gets a 1.8 grade point average.

You both graduate, but you aren't in the honor roll anymore. You wonder why the hell not, and then you see your GPA -- it's been lowered to a 2.8 GPA.

But that was only fair, because we needed to bring up your neighbor by a full 1.0, so he could have a 2.8 GPA, as well.

And that's socialism, in a nutshell. Isn't that fun?

Even China had the good sense to finally ditch most of it.
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