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Old 09-19-2012, 04:36 PM   #21
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Originally Posted by infinite monkey View Post
When I was in San Diego I was browsing a real estate magazine, for funsies.

I found a "lovely little starter home" for 660,000 dollars. So the $300,00 houses are either doghouses, or made up. I don't think there are ghettos in SD but I could be wrong.
Housing prices here have dropped dramatically since 2009. The average has climbed up a bit from about $320k, at it's lowest. There are area's of SD that you would not want to live in. One of the most notorious gangs in North America was HQ'd in SD, but finally killed a Catholic Cardinal while doing an assassination for the cartel. You guessed it, they killed the wrong guy, although he was wearing a Cardinal's traveling outfit, at the time.

There are still gang area's in SD. Lots of immigrants - we're a "sanctuary city". We're also broke because the politicians caved in to so many demands from the unions. (The unions fund the politicians that sell us out, you see).

They don't call us "Enron by the Sea", for nothing. Probably should be "Detroit by the Sea", however.
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