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Old 09-19-2012, 01:03 PM   #14
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
@Happy Monkey:
Yes, some of Romney's good deeds have come out, now that he's a possible President. Not all of them, but most.

Because a reporter was interested enough to go see Obama's relative, and was surprised to find him a very poor street vendor.

Nobody denies it, btw.

The rich neighbors weren't affected by the fire. In San Diego, the rich people live along the coast. The fires always start in the eastern mountains - typically from lightning strikes, which are common there in the Summer.

This is SD however. We have a lot of homes that are three hundred thousand dollars. That's not rich, here. Just an average price of a home in San Diego Co.

These "47 percent" comments were made at a fund raiser last May. Romney is saying that 47 percent of the voter, are unlikely to vote for him. As a practical matter, people who pay no federal income taxes aren't that interested in voting for a politician who is trying to cut federal income taxes, and to shrink the size/cost of our federal bureaucracy.

He is hoping to get just over 50 percent of the votes. As of yesterday, some surveys have put Obama at 47 percent support, among voters. Romney's percentage projection was correct.

In their surveys and focus groups, a candidate with a Hispanic surname, was popular. The Latino vote is an important group, that any politician will try to win.

Re: Insolvable problems, like the Israel/Palestinian problem.

You can't make intractable people, sit down and negotiate, in good faith. Every President since Kennedy has tried to solve this problem, either directly, or indirectly, through the State Department, special envoys or other back channels.

What do the Palestinians want? Their property (land) back, which is currently inside Israel, and death to Israel.

What do the Israeli's want? Security from the terrorist attacks of the Palestinians, and wars from it's neighboring countries.

Israeli's know perfectly well that they would be attacked inside their country, if they allowed the Palestinians to return.

You can make their leaders smile and shake hands (ala President Carter's negotiations), but you can't make them live up to their promises. If the respective leaders try hard enough, they know they will be assassinated by their own people.

You know this from history.

The Muslims have a religion AND a strong ideology. As long as they spread the ideology of hatred for the Jews (which they have had since [I believe it was before the Battle of The Trench, but not certain]. Anyway, the Jews betrayed them at a critical battle), there will be no peace. The ideology is reinforced in their school text books, and etc., almost without let up. In their value system, the Jew ranks in the lowest parts, along with the pig (which they will not eat and generally despise).

Until these ideologies change, there will be no peace in the Middle East.

Yes, "fissile" could be simple radioactive material, for a dirty bomb. A dirty bomb would kill a lot of Israeli's, if it went off in a city, but not nearly as many as a nuclear bomb (with the required fissile material, of course). The latter is the real worry.

Romney is not perfect, but he's a great deal more knowledgeable about business, and his team is a great deal more knowledgeable about the economy, than Obama and Biden.

If you want to see us go another five TRILLION dollars into debt, you should vote for Obama/Biden. Understand that programs like medicare and social security WILL be put into serious jeopardy by a massive federal debt like that.

When things start to pick up, we'll be hit by serious inflation, as well. We saw that in Carter's administration -- devastating.
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