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Old 09-14-2012, 10:03 AM   #1
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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I think the time has come to further research the idea of a Cellar Commune.

Not some crazy drinkin' poison kind of commune, just a group of self-sufficient people who live on the same land and contribute their talents for the good of the community.

Those who can build, build. Those who can farm, farm. Those who can cook, cook. I volunteer to keep the books. Well, sure, I'd run the library but I'm also talking about the ledgers and stuff. I suppose we'll be able to sell some of produce and craftery to get needed items for the ranch.

I say no kids allowed. I like kids, sure, but this isn't that kind of commune. If you want that kind you can start one up or become a Mormon. I'm really only interested in non-breeding adults who have been downsized and outsized and undersized and oversized, who are sick of the rat race, who refuse to shuck and jive for the boss man.

Of course, we'll be off the grid but not completely: I for one would want interwebz.

It's just a rough sketch.
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