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Old 09-05-2012, 07:58 AM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
It's funny, because I don't know shit about football but I always remember that 2002 is when the Houston Texans came into existence. Because we were in final beta for Quarterback Challenge 2003, and the designers were shoving the brand new team data into the game at the last possible nanosecond. Except we'd already done the audio with the professional sports announcers months ago, and there was no way we could afford to get them back for another session. But I did have approximately 16,000 files of source material. So I went through and pulled the audio file for every Hugh, Hubert, humongous, and humor; and every Johnston, Royston, Livingston, and Penistone; and every Tex syllable; and every "unz;" and spent all night Frankensteining various combinations together into appropriate inflections for every team name stitch in the game. Ironically, the dude actually said the words "Houston" and "Texans," in an unlockable interview clip talking about how he remembered something not-at-all-interesting about the Dallas Texans in the 1960s. But he slurred his speech and it was unusable.
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