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Old 08-30-2012, 12:12 AM   #20
I hear them call the tide
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Perpetual Chaos
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my MIL is here. She apparently now has bladder control problems. She picked up a cough and is peeing everywhere when she coughs. Literally. It's OK, I get this, I can deal with this, it's not her fault and I bet she feels horrible and I had to Kegel like a nutter after all of my pregnancies and it's still touch-and-go if i get a cough.

she's quite open about it, though. Which is kind of ok. But she's using pantie-liners to deal with it -the post-period wafer-thin things. . And doesn't tell us when it's gone beyond "her realm of control" Our house stinks. poor daughter's bedroom stinks. the mattress is trashed, and the sofa, and my brand new camp chair. Possibly also two car seats. Every morning I come in with daughter after swim practice and the smell of stale urine wafting downstairs overcomes the chlorine smell (and that's no mean feat....) I gag as i do the laundry

I love her dearly, but this is horrendous and I have no idea how to deal with it. I think it would be easier if she had no idea it was a problem/was in denial to be honest. But she knows and just doesnt realize her approach is not adequate.

I guess next time I'll email her in advance and say (more tactfully) "which of these products should I get in for you?" and steer her towards the slightly more hardcore incontinence stuff.

thanks for listening.
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart
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