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Old 08-23-2012, 10:42 AM   #4524
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
Minifob got his teacher assignment for next year: our second choice. Which is totally fine, she was actually tied for first choice in our minds, the tie breaker was simply that Minifob had had some slight interactions with the other lady, and said he liked her.

However, this seems to me to be a blatant power play on the part of the school, letting me know that I have some input, but do not get my way. Because when we met his new teacher, she knew nothing about him, no idea that he had an IEP or anything. So it's not like there was a group decision among all the teachers about which students go in which classes. And if there was a single administrator making the assignments, there is absolutely no reason not to have given us our first choice teacher, other than a power play. (Other students don't get to name teacher choices at all, we were the ones who brought it up at our last ARD meeting.)

Perhaps they asked our top-choice teacher for her agreement in taking him, and she secretly hates him so she said no--fair possibility, except why then would they not extend the same question to the second choice teacher, and thus she would be tipped off before meeting him that he was something different and not a standard student? She had no clue who he was, so I assume they didn't ask her if she wanted him. Thus I assume they didn't ask the first teacher either. Thus I assume they are being dicks and just showing me that they make the decisions, not me.

Note for next year: remember to list our first choice teacher as our second choice.
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