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Old 08-17-2012, 02:22 PM   #4518
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
My head still hurts.

At the pool yesterday, Minifob was distracting me, and Minifobette jumped right on top of me while my head was turned, which is very out of character for her. This was like half a millisecond after I'd just put her back on the wall and was still backing up to catch her again, and she never moves that fast for anything. I don't know what she was smoking.

Anyway, her chin impacted my skull at full force, right on the hairline. There was a tiny bit of blood in her mouth, and she got a big bruise on her chin. I don't have a bump or a visible mark or anything, but it still hurts like a bitch. I honestly think I have a mild concussion, and I'm on the lookout for nausea or a sudden return of the headache or anything serious like that. But really, it's just a pain in the ass (head) because it's right on the spot where I push my hair out of my face with my hand, and I keep accidentally touching it.
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