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Old 08-14-2012, 11:09 AM   #9
Goon Squad Leader
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re Socratic method:

I like this school. I think like this a lot of the time. I use this method with my kids to their everlasting frustration. (Parenting note, I'm perfectly content to use spin-saturated questions with them should the situation call for it. "Which do you want to do first, empty the dishwasher or empty the trash?").

The most cliche spin loaded question is the classic "So, have you stopped beating your wife yet?" It is stuff like this that masks real information gain during question and answer time. There are lots of different tools and techniques in play during our political season, this is just one. Being aware of it helps me determine the real quality of the reply. Consider the source--this works as much for the answerer as it does for the questioner.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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