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Old 08-05-2012, 02:17 PM   #7
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: South Central...KY that is
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In 1780 British Army Major Patrick Ferguson (a Scot, btw) in command of American Loyalists, decided, unwisely, to await reinforcements atop King's Mountain. He felt safe because he held the high ground. Of his decision and position, he declared:

“God Almighty can’t get me off this mountain.”
He was right. He's still there today.

American Patriots had traveled through the night, in a downpour, and arrived at Ferguson's position about noon. The Battle of King's Mountain began at about 4 pm and lasted 65 minutes.

From Wikipedia:

His corpse was found with eight musket holes in his body. The Patriots then stripped it of its clothes and urinated on it. He was buried near the site of his fall. It was claimed – according to Patriot accounts – that his corpse was ill-used before burial in an oxhide.

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