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Old 08-04-2012, 10:37 AM   #220
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
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Originally Posted by Brianna View Post
Yeah, I've even been on it. I've even tried the oldie goldie Anabuse! the only problem with those things is that --- you can always just stop taking them. Which is what I would do. It was suggested to me that trying to control my alcoholism from the outside (from somewhere outside myself) was always going to fail. If I wanted to drink badly enough, nothing could stop me. I joke that you could airlift me to another country where I don't speak the language, have no money and am hungover to the gills and I could be drunk in half an hour. If an alkie wants to drink, they're going to drink. We could find Jim Beam in the Sahara. There comes that critical time where the only thing that stands between an alcoholic and a drink is their desire to stay sober---some say it's their relationship with their higher power, some say it's their spiritual condition....whatever. At some point you just have to decide what you want.

Long answer! sorry! I'm on my high horse and it's only 7:30 in the morning! better climb down!
Ah, that's a problem I always forget to consider--I always think of meds in terms of just holding them down and making them take it. No worries about high horses, I don't see you that way at all. I am glad you are willing to share so much of your story.
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