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Old 07-13-2012, 08:05 AM   #30
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
St. Ann's in the article is right in my neighborhood. Over the last 15 years, I've pruned their trees that have branches sticking out over the sidewalk. Fuckers just let them grow and block the sidewalk. I used to occasionally stick the bypass pruners in the basket of our baby stroller, so when we were walking past, I could just pull them out and cut branches off their trees and drop them in their parking lot. Somebody else is doing it too, but they just snap the branches and let them dangle. These days, when I notice the branches are getting out of control, I'll just walk home and get the pruners and come back to work on the trees.

Also, if you happen to be going by at 5:25 on a Saturday afternoon, be careful. Those Catholics come zooming in at the last minute and they are almost late, so they aren't so careful about pedestrians. Nobody gets hurt, but it's a little annoying.

I don't totally hate St. Ann's. I know a couple families who go there and they are really good friends. Good people. You would like them. Wonder what they think of these loyalty oaths.

Oh, one last thing about St. Ann's. They had this old run down house on their property that they used for AA meetings and stuff. They decided to remove the building, so they let the fire department spend a couple days setting it on fire and practice putting it out. That was fun to watch.
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