Thread: My Family
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Old 07-10-2012, 11:34 AM   #64
polaroid of perfection
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She's been fainting today.
They wheeled her down to see them but she only managed 20 minutes before passing out from the heat in the room. She's never been a hot person, but she is very flushed now says Mum, and has a fan on constantly. The nurses aren't worried, just monitoring her. They say it's her body's way of dealing with a serious operation.

Sadly, because she was unwell, Laura asked if Mum & Dad could go in to see her 15.00-16.00, so they're not going tonight. So I'm not either. Never mind, perhaps by the time I get to go in, the boys will be more accessible anyway - no-one from our side of the family has been able to see them yet.

They're out of incubators, which has to be a good sign of progress.
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