Thread: My Family
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Old 07-02-2012, 12:21 PM   #48
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Laura & Gary.
More relaxed and happier than I have seen them all year.
They've had to make a concerted effort to save their marriage while going through all this. They're still unhappy, but they are coming through it as a committed unit. I sincerely admire tham for this.

Even if G still regards me as some bizarre comic-turn that says the most extraordinary things. I admit I'm ruder in front of him that anywhere else other then here. But he eggs me on because he genuinely doesn't seem to believe the things I say or admit to having done. And he doesn't know the half of it!!

Abs & Samuel. My only good pic of Sams because he is in Annoying Younger Brother Mode and deliberately moves or obscures his face in the second after the button is depressed. He's not camera shy, just thinks it's funny. He is also in full-on double entendre mode. Fnarr, fnarr to any mention of bottom, box, cream, cheese etc etc. It's wearing, but I do have a lot of time for him. I had to be careful what I said as he's still innocent despite his attempted crudity. I did manage some subtle heading off at the pass though. "Eugh! You just said it came in a nice box!"
"Yes, I was talking about the gift-wrap. Did you think I was talking about the contents of someone's knickers?"
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