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Old 06-23-2012, 11:41 AM   #3
a beautiful fool
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It gets better....

I got a reply from E by text yesterday. turns out there was a mix up! OMG! REALLY??

says 'the hospital' called and told him they gave him the wrong E's results. He's glad I'm ok, but wanted to make sure I didn't say anything to the friend of hers I had contacted about it.

to which I replied, "why do you think I'm stupid?"

so he sends a long text saying that he wasn't lying, and what had happened was that he went to Presbyterian hospital for his test, and then called to get his results, but the girl gave him the wrong...first name E's results. ....because they must keep their records by first name, and that would be an easy mistake to make..... and because they would give someone positive HIV test results over the phone.... and he apparently forgot that he had told me that he had gone in to his doctor to get the results when we spoke on the phone.


so, i told him to stop calling me. seriously.

A 1 year bimonthly gift subscription to the Gay and Lesbian Review Magazine is only $22. I happened upon his work address. It might be more convenient for him to receive this fine publication there, so he'll have something to take into the John. seems like money well spent.... and you can pay by money order through the mail!

how nice
There's a Shadow just behind me. Shrouding every step I take. Making every promise empty, pointing every finger at me. _tool

Last edited by jimhelm; 06-23-2012 at 11:52 AM.
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