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Old 06-11-2012, 01:04 PM   #57
henry quirk
maskless: yesterday, today, tomorrow
Join Date: Jan 2009
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"Now go stuff some Cheezy Poofs in your face and leave me alone." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

"Life doesn't work that way..."

I take it you mean: 'Do what you can to self-preserve, expect nothing from any one.'

That's exactly how it works...that so many are now blind to this is -- again -- an evidence of widespread domestication.

'Teaching' folks to 'play nice' can work, sure...but: such a lesson is surface-only, tenuous, and comes crashing down the second the largely non-existent foundation for such 'education' is challenged.

I'll say it again, in expanded form: Do what you can to self-preserve (feed yourself, clothe yourself, attend to your wounds and illnesses, take hold of yourself in worrying times, be wise during abundant ones...the stupid, weak, mercenary, etc. are sitting on your stoop just begging to be let in...lock your door)...


...expect nothing from any one (don't be stupid, weak, or have all the tools you need to live...use them, use your 'self').

Nothing I'm saying here precludes alliance, cooperation, 'working together'; everything I'm saying here precludes catering to the demands of the weak, the stupid, the lazy, the (self)terminally 'compassionate' or the greedy.

Each of you should do exactly, with your time, resources, 'self', as you like (up to and including self-cruxification if you think such a thing will do any good for any one)...I simply claim the same for myself (to attempt to do as I choose).

Bloomberg apparently believes himself wiser (or more likely, more compassionate) than other much so, he must 'save' them from themselves.

Arrogance (that he shares with any- and every-one who believes him- or her-self 'leader', elected, appointed, declared, or born into).
like the other guy sez: 'not really back, blah-blah-blah...'
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