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Old 06-11-2012, 11:15 AM   #53
henry quirk
maskless: yesterday, today, tomorrow
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 2,162
“It's the diabetes and heart issues and cancers treatments BEFORE they die that are so expensive.”

Sure. And who should absorb the cost? The diabetic, the heart patient, the cancer patient, that’s who.

Spreading the misery only makes more folks miserable…those with cancer still have it; those with diabetes still have it, and on and on, no matter how many non-sick folks chip in.

No friggin’ guarantees in this (or any other) life…some folks have a fabulous time of it; others suffer for the entirety of it…this is the way it is.

Do what you can to self-preserve, expect nothing from any one.


“…if you think you aren't paying for them, you are deluding yourself.”

Oh, indirectly, by way of artificial links between me and him and her, I’m sure I pay something…but not directly, no. You probably do, being a *law-abider and all…*shrug*


“…he only wants RESTAURANTS to stop selling large drinks…”

Translated: he wants to interfere in the activities of private business owners and the voluntary transactions between those business owners and customers.

**Hoorah for him.


“Freedom to eat whatever the hell they want means I have the freedom not to care about their insulin needs, or pay for their diabetes-caused leg amputation, or support them now that they can never work again.”

Yes! Exactly! Not a complicated notion, is it? If, as a smoker, I contract a cancer, not a one of you is obligated (beyond the copious bleeding of your hearts) to do a damn thing for me. That you all allow yourselves to be hoodwinked into (1) believing you are obligated, and (2) allowing yourselves to be bled for cash in support of that obligation, is an incredible ***stupidity and an evidence of the domestication of the West.

**piss on him
***’homo sapien’ my nicotine-enriched ass
like the other guy sez: 'not really back, blah-blah-blah...'
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