Thread: British Telly
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Old 05-31-2012, 12:33 PM   #13
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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I've discovered a little gem of a sitcom called Spy. It had a six episode run last year, but as I don't have Sky Tv it passed me by. I'm used to ignoring Sky as not being particularly strong on original tv but I really have to update my habits there. This and a couple of other little series show some class.

It stars Darren Boyd, who is a brilliant comedy actor, as a somewhat hapless divorced father. He's in a custody battle with his wife, his son despises him, the 'family counsellor' who reports to the custody hearings is firmly on the wife's side, and his wife now lives with his son's headmaster.

His son is a little bastard. Precocious, brilliant and vicious.

In an attempt to win his son's respect he gives up his dead end job and gets back into the jobmarket to ty and use his degree in computer engineering. Goes for a job interview as a data clerk of some kind and ends up accidentally enlisted into the secret service, under the training of a maverick (insane, alcoholic, dangerous, and very funny) older officer.

He cannot tell his son. The whole series arc is about him trying to win his son's approval, being upstaged by various other, much more impressive men with much more impressive action-jobs than his (data clerk) and being completely unable to let on that he's a spy, with a gun and a telephone number for the 'Cleaners' should it become necessary.

There are other story elements, but that's the core of it. And it's really really funny. the first ep is like...ok, funny, lol moments, but was worried it might be a ne gag show. But it builds brilliantly across the series.

There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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