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Old 05-17-2012, 02:25 PM   #8
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: South Central...KY that is
Posts: 39,517
You know, this has reminded me of a story Grandmadigr used to tell:

In the early '40s, she was a third shift waitress (second job, mind you) at a truck stop in NC, when these four guys came in real late (3 or 4 in the morning, I'm guessing) drunker than shit. She waited on them dreading the next hour of catering to these drunk fuckers. She said they were just about the most irritating customers. Stuff like "This ain't right; Send this back; Bring more of this/that". Just wearing her out at the worst time on her shift, and for what? At best a nickle or dime tip, if she got a tip. Anyway, one of them paid off the tab, and they finally left. She checked the table, no tip. She got pissed, and went to smoke a cig before clearing the table.

When she cleared the table, she picked up a water glass, and there was a quarter under it. Under the salt & pepper shakers, quarters. Ketchup, quarter. Everything on that table, plates, glasses, napkins, everything had a quarter under it. She wound with almost a five dollar tip. Her tip was more than their bill. 1940s, remember.

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