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Old 05-01-2012, 05:06 AM   #3061
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Started coughing again last night.
Not seriously, but it's a step back.
Finished the steroids yesterday morning...
Going back to school tomorrow, soddit.
I can take time off for an appointment if I have to.
Sick & tired of being at home and feeling useless.

Dad's 72nd birthday today.
Mum bitching because we were going to go down the Dairy Maid for lunch.
Then Laura suggested Wetherspoons in town as Tuesday is Steak Club. Dad loves a steak but Mum hates cooking it, so she thought it would be perfect.
Except Dad has a cold (Mum is trying to keep up, but I can tell she's over-stating her ailment) and isn't sure he can handle a steak. He fancies an omelette.

Main cause of row?
I came in with the Steak Club menu and Dad said he might be able to manage one after all.
Mum sees this as Dad changing his mind so as not to disappoint me - straight to RED ALERT on temper front. The time she threatened to smash him in the face was when we both told him different things and he went along with what I said.

I've been back-pedalling madly and found a pub in town that does 2 for 1 main meals AND serves omelettes. I don't care where we go.

Mum is now saying there is no point in going out anywhere.
Sheesh. His bloody birthday.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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