Thread: Tolerance
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Old 04-30-2012, 01:03 PM   #52
infinite monkey
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Originally Posted by Flint View Post
Teaching a person where they have gone wrong, and how to start down a path of improving themselves, is kind. Coddling them, letting them go unchecked, making excuses for them, not correcting their errors--these things are not kind. Being "nice" is not being kind.
Which I have tried to do, not by poking him with my pitchfork and yelling a lot, but by talking to him about where he went over the line into unacceptable.

I'm not making excuses for anyone, but I am starting to think I should be making excuses for why in the hell some are taking JBK not being banned as a personal affront. It really makes no sense; it's sandbox behavior.

And I'm the first person who will sling barbs at the deserving. It is my hunch that JBK is not deserving of you think I have absolutely no clue at all about human behavior? Maybe if you yell at me enough, tell me how horrible I am, I can be coerced into the groupthink. But probably not.
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