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Old 02-18-2004, 11:36 PM   #2
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Kingdom of Atlantia
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I would go back to that doctor. Take the bill with you. Tell the doctor when he comes in what has happened and ask him if feeling you up was "moderately complex."

Ask him if him fucking you up the ass is considered "extremely complex" and how much would that cost?

No, seriously, my friend worked in medical billing for awhile, and some doctors have no idea how all that stuff works, and what the patient gets stuck with. (No pun intended.) If you show him the bill, and explain that if all his patients get charged $235 for him feeling your joints and writing a prescription for a PREVIOUSLY DIAGNOSED condition, then you'll be going to the AMA and taking up his practices and procedures with them.

You may be surprised.
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