Thread: Obamacare
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Old 03-29-2012, 09:28 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Lamplighter View Post
In reality, most hospitals and physicians and their medical aides are given a special place in society, and are not simple retail businesses subject to fair-market competition, freedoms, and restraints.
Nonsense. Hospitals have gone bankrupt and closed. Hospitals have even conducted massive firings of surgeons due to insufficient funds. At least one of those doctors I know (a heart surgeon) was applying for jobs just like everyone else.

We must decide whether we want socialized medicine (ie UK's National Health Service) or a working free market medicine (ie Affordable Health Care currently being implemented). Otherwise the best solution is to let people die in the streets if they cannot pay.

The current system is why a box of Kleenex must cost maybe $125. Due to a perverted and disfuctional system, openly advocated by many with a poltical agenda. Medical services must charge excessively so that the few pay for all others. And to pay for a bloated bureacracy necessary to make cost redirection work. This is the system that extremists want to protect.

Medicine is not a charity. It is a business. A service just like any other business whose purpose is the advancement of mankind. Even non-profits must balance the books.
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