Thread: Obamacare
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Old 03-28-2012, 06:27 PM   #9
Master Dwellar
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Originally Posted by Spexxvet View Post
Why do you want to burden businesses with paying for health insurance costs? Think of the small business owners who will be bankrupted. If a business can't or won't provide healthcare insurance for their employees, what happens?

I don't view this as a power grab by the government. It's an attempt to fix an unfair system that is broken, and to help Americans when they are unwell. It's certainly not perfect (that would be a system like the UK's or Canada's, IMHO), because it had to pass through congress, and Democrats wanted bipartisan approval. Remember, this plan is similar to the plan put forth by republicans in the early nineties.

Fred, you need to do some more research, and be less racist.
spexx, i'm not racist. far from it actually. that comment came from experience. the lady next to me when i was leaving just got her food stamps approved and she was all happy, don't blame her, but lo and behold she got in her 2009 Escalade and trucked it on down the road. i was denied stamps due to the fact that i'd cashed in a 401k recently and lived with someone who was retired and "deemed fit to support me" is i believe what the lady told me? anyway, point/counterpoint, we could go back and forth all day with quotes and quips and still not get anywhere. just saying. having been on both sides of the spectrum rich/poor to damn near broken, it's been my experience that unless you know how to "work the system" you won't get what is supposedly there to help you. government needs to fix what it fouled up in the first place. President Nixon, John Erlichman and Edgar Kaiser are the ones to blame. i remember my father talking with fellow doctors in the doctors lounge about how their proposal was going to throw a monkey wrench in the healthcare system.

i do hope it gets fixed. will it? no. unfortunately not. there are too many executives and shareholders out there with insurance companies to allow it to happen. change? not gonna happen here.

once again, sorry if i sounded racist. i'm not.
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