Thread: Obamacare
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Old 03-28-2012, 08:40 AM   #5
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
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My brother in law is in his early 40s and has never had medical insurance in his adult life. Last year, he was in a bicycle accident and went to the emergency room for treatment. He never paid a penny for that, but the cost was in the thousands of dollars. I'm sure he continues to get bills from them, but knowing his financial situation, those bills are unpaid.

He's probably never going to voluntarily buy insurance, and we taxpayers are going to continue to pay for his sporadic emergency room visits.

I'd like to see him forced to chip into the pot. I'm in favor of a mandate. especially since going hand in had with a mandate is the elimination of pre-exisiting conditions exclusions.

By brother in law is a good guy, and I wish him well. But he's the kind of guy who is a drag on the system. He should pull his weight.
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