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Old 02-18-2004, 01:05 PM   #1
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
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2/18/2004: Iraqi artist creates statue of US GI

This is another one of those things that should be interesting no matter which side you're on.

During the Hussein regime, Iraqi sculptor Kalat was forced to produce statues of Saddam, including two statues that stood at the gates of a palace that the 4th Infantry Division took as its temporary HQ. The 4th ID tore down those statues and sent the scrap bronze to Kalat, who took a picture of an American GI and used it to create his own design of the above work.

It's a GI mourning the remains of a fallen comrade. Next to him is a little Iraqi girl. She comforts him. She is put there to remind us all of what that sacrifice meant: that as a result, the children of Iraqi will grow up in a better, freer society (we all hope).

The statue sits at that palace now, but eventually will be brought back to Fort Hood to remain at the Fort Hood museum.

The cost to produce the statue was taken on by the members of the 4th ID, out of their own pockets. Not just pocket change: $18,000.

The story was met with original skepticism, but then documented as true by Snopes here. The full story and original photos are at the full story from the 4th ID website.

Here is Kalat checking out his own work.

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