Thread: Miracles
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Old 02-17-2004, 08:28 PM   #8
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Re: Miracles

Originally posted by novice

The question I pose to you all, and myself, is what would need to occur to demonstrate irrefutable proof of a 'supreme' being.
I thought this was the question. And my answer is that perhaps out there in logic land, there is a chain of steps arising form irrefutable axioms that lead to the astounding conclusion that God exists. That would be the only defensible proof of God's existence because all external 'signs and wonders' can be discounted as being mass hallucinations or aliens buzzing the farm.

Happy Monkey, What you are saying is you want God to announce himself to you in some undeniable way, like perhaps reaching into your brain or soul and tweaking it such that you suddenly now believe in him 100%. For all we know, maybe that has happened to people. But apparently God doesn't like doing this, at least not to a lot of people.

For what its worth, Jesus had something to say about this. After Jesus died and came back. Thomas said he wouldn't believe what the other apostles said until he felt Jesus' wounds himself. Well, Jesus shows up and makes Thomas touch his wounds. Jesus then says "Because thou hast seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen and have believed."

Don't aske me why, but the Christian idea of God has him not wanting us to have proof, he wants us to have faith. Go figure.
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