Thread: Miracles
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Old 02-17-2004, 11:06 AM   #2
dripping with ignorance
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Grand Forks ND
Posts: 642
I've slowly come to the conclusion that God deliberately gave everything a cause to keep us from going insane and/or wasting our mind. If God created man and in the process gave him intelligence then we needed something to do with it. If things were always happening for some inexplicable reason then the intelligence would be worthless.

I definitely think that some forms of "Miracles" are unexplainable at this point but I also believe that some day in the future a scientific cause will be determined. Does that mean God doesn't exist? I can see why people would tend to lean in that direction, but I personally just see it as proof that something other than nature brought on our ability to think.

Then again I definitely don’t believe in the church, which is a purely human creation and with it comes too many flaws that have lead to too much corruption.
After the seventh beer I generally try and stay away from the keyboard, I apologize for what happens when I fail.
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