Thread: You Dirty Sluts
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Old 03-08-2012, 12:03 PM   #78
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
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Originally Posted by sexobon View Post
How about that Ann Romney jumping on the bandwagon and telling everyone she doesn't consider herself wealthy so she won't lose free contraceptives either.
Bzzzzzzzzzzzt! False.

Read the actual quote:
Those that are suffering from M.S. or cancer or any disease I feel like I want to throw my arms open and say,
welcome to my family and welcome to the place where I've been and, so, you know, we can be poor in spirit and I don't look --
I don't even consider myself wealthy, which is an interesting thing. It can be here today and gone tomorrow,
and how I measure riches is by the friends I have and the loved ones I have and the people I care about in my life
and that is where my values are and those are my riches so for me having done through a difficult period in my life
both with M.S. and with breast cancer it has done something to my heart and it's softened my heart
and made me realize there are many people suffering in this country and they are suffering from things that aren't financial --
and some people are suffering from things that are financial, as well -- but those that are suffering, for me,
I just have a larger capacity for love, and for understanding."
Still feel the same?
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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