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Old 03-06-2012, 11:13 PM   #13
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Seattle
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Thanks guys!

Some answers, here we go.

I don't know how important it is to convey the scale here. It's clear it's a flogger, so it is sized for one handed use... I also like having some known quantity in the photo for scale, but .. crap. I just don't know. I have LOTS (as you will soon see) of pictures of this project, and some of these same poses but just on my regular work table. I took a folded sheet (you can still see the wrinkles) from the closet for a drop cloth. Bright sunshine through the nearby window plus a little fill flash. I'm trying hard to make it attractive. It's already as interesting as it's gonna be, so.. whatever.

jim's right Zen, I'm V, not sarge, but thank you just the same, sir.

jim--I would use it, I have used it, in testing, not in earnest. It is made to be used, but I'm sure it will spend most of its time as an art object sitting on her desk. It is pretty heavy, and I made the handle big and heavy (scale pics to come). The whole affair weighs over three and a half pounds. It is NOT stingy, but it does have a very satisfying thud. For the record, there are thirteen roses, including the one black one, not nine.


I am also wondering how it will be displayed at the show in the event it is selected by the jury. A common way of dealing with floggers when they're not in one's hand is to hang it by the wrist strap. Which I did not include, and may not include. I don't think hanging is a very flattering display of this piece. It is really unlikely that I'll be swinging it with such enthusiasm that a wrist strap would be an important safety consideration. So, no wrist strap. I'm thinking it will be on a draped cloth and perhaps on a block of some kind. I like some of the poses here. I am open to the idea that it can be picked up and handled by the people taking in the exhibit. It is, after all, a sensual experience for both. It feels good in the hand though I don't want any flogging to take place in the show. Think of how you'd feel the texture of a garment in a store. Like that. Right now, I imagine it will be displayed without the plain brown leather wrapper. That is intended to make it decent for public exhibition. I don't consider this show "public" in the same way.

I meant to add information about the show! I am submitting this to the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival for 2012. The link is NSFW. It's not trashy (not that there's anything wrong with that...) but there are nipples people. Nipples! You have been warned. Here is a link with information about submissions of Visual Art.

As you all know, I'm a maker. This has been my most detailed and labor intensive project to date. I'm exctied. I'll post the construction journal as soon as I get the pictures organized into an album.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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