Thread: Weird News
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Old 02-23-2012, 12:00 PM   #1749
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 13,002
One of the newer clown colleges just called, the guy yelling at my cow orker to release the student's information to him or else.

No, thanks for thinking of us though. You can get that information from the fed websites or you can have the student give us the form consenting to have that information released to you.

"But but but FERPA..."

You can play fast and loose with FERPA if you want, but it's our policy to err (not that we're erring) on the side of caution. (And honestly, I have no trust in these places and wouldn't release my hair color to them if they asked.) And how do we know who is really on the other end of that phone line?

"There is a form available 'here' which you can have the student sign and send it to us."

"But but but I don't have a way to print!"

Effing WHAT?

The FA community is a wonderful group of people, many are long time employees, 25-30 years. We help each other and we understand the difficulties. We understand that offices have processes and while we may not agree with a policy we respect it and do things appropriately. The majority of us are highly ethical. Often we have to confer with others on interpreting the regulations. We network. We do the best we can for the student but all the while walking that line of what we are and are not allowed to do.

Enter Clown Colleges, more corporate greed and hiring people who don't have a clue and there is no one to train them because they don't have a clue either. I can't believe they aren't subject to even more audits and such than they are. I don't think ethics are a huge part of their mission statement.

These students are attending these schools on YOUR TAX DOLLARS.

Clown colleges have been making my life miserable this year...and I've been doing this crap for 10 years. WTF?

Eh, so much for libel. Of course, I don't say which ones are clown colleges and which ones aren't.

But what a freaking asshole.
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