Thread: Badger Epiphany
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Old 02-16-2012, 03:01 PM   #1
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Badger Epiphany

Had a sort of stand up for myself breakthrough last night. Homegrrl was opining about me and my failure to make her life teh fluffeh and I suddenly realized I didn't have to go into ignore mode to preserve my mind so I just said, "You know what? I don't really care what you think of me and I'm not interested in listening to your opinion of me, my life, what my problem is or what you think I need to do."

"If you'd like to talk about yourself, I'm happy to listen and would be very interested."

So then she started in with "I feel disrespected, taken for granted, taken advantage of..."

and I interrupted her and said, "You're actually still talking about me. You're saying 'I feel disrespected by you, I feel taken for granted by you... If you want to talk about you and your problems, faults and weaknesses I'm happy to listen, but I don't really care, at all, what you think about me."

It may seem really obvious to some of you, but this is new territory for me to just tell someone that I don't really care to hear what they have to say, w/o getting angry or emotional or feeling like I need to fight back or give as I get.

It seemed to work.

So, w00t 4 m3 and my l337 relationship skilz
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