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Old 02-06-2012, 05:15 PM   #723
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: South Central...KY that is
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What's scorching my groove today?

Last night, I came home and Momdigr says "I think something bad happened." She then explains that she was online earlier (Facebook, what else?) when "a box" pops up on the screen (of course she don't know what it said, not even the gist of it), she said that about two minutes later the monitor made a sound "like an egg frying and aluminum foil being rattled around", then blink once and went black. No mention of any smell then, and it doesn't have that scorched/burned plastic smell now. So, who knows.

I'm using an HP monitor now that is just absolutely a piece of crap. Everything looks like I'm looking at it through a window screen. I can see the little dots from across the room. And I've adjusted everything I can, it's all washed out and funky, and can't be made to look like anything but shit.

ƒucking hate it.

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