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Old 01-18-2012, 01:47 AM   #15
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ANYWAY... I am now in a quandary. Today I asked my coworker how long its been since she spent a night at home. Three weeks was her sad reply. And I felt really guilty about my continuing refusal to stay there all night but I also feel the owner is being a major asshole over all this and his unreasonable demands should not be indulged in.

Number one, there is the safety issue. Like I posted in the OP, there are some highly unpleasant characters who wander the streets here at night. They're predators seeking an opportunity, and what better opportunity than a woman alone guarding $2,000 in cash? Plus, everyone knows that it takes the local police forever to respond to even a 911 call. I think they just ditch their cruisers and go to sleep somewhere at night. You never ever see one patrolling after 10:00pm. Anyone staying over night to "guard" the motel really should have a gun and be confident about using it. At the very least, the owner should get a muscular young man to do the job, not somebody's grandmother.

Number two, if you expect an employee to stay overnight to guard your property, you should pay the employee to do it. Expecting someone to give up their entire life for the sake of YOUR interests, not theirs, went out with the end of the Civil War. This is southern Colorado in 2012, not South Carolina in 1812. But my coworker is so timid around the owner, she won't stand up for herself and the owner is more than happy to take advantage of this.

My coworker needs to grow a spine. This is not my problem. Its hers. Except I felt so bad for her that I told her that I'll stay over tomorrow night and Thursday, so she can spend a couple of days off at home with her boyfriend.

I probably won't see the owner tomorrow because he's supposed to be going somewhere or doing something terribly important in his terribly important little life. However, I will see him Thursday. And I am going to confront him about all this. I don't want to lose my temper, but I will speak my mind. After all, I have nothing to lose. I'm already getting laid off and it would be a major pain to find another person and train them for a job that is going to only last a couple of weeks, so I doubt he'd fire me on the spot even if he gets mad.

I really would like to make the owner feel ashamed of himself for taking such advantage of my coworker. And I'm not going to do this again. I've got better things to do. Like maybe seeing how fast I could drive over Wolf Creek Pass in a blizzard. Or I could go out on the desert in Canyonlands and off road in my Toyota until it ran out of gas 50 miles away from anything. Then I could try to walk back to civilization with no water. Stuff like that. All better things to do.

And I've decided to place a call in to Cortez's finest and explain the security situation at the Bates. I'm going to ask them to keep an eye on the place at night. Which will cut into their time flirting with the waitresses at Denny's. Which means they'll be irritated with the motel ie the owner, and he'll have to deal with it. Too bad. I have awful insomnia and to make really sure that I get my police protection, I can pass the time by calling dispatch every hour or so because I'm sure I heard someone out in the bushes.

I'm going to document this little adventure along with the fact that no one ever gets overtime pay and on my final day at the Bates, the Colorado Labor Board or whatever they're called is going to get a call from me followed up by an official letter of complaint. I'll have plenty of time on my hands. Might as well make use of it.
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