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Old 01-13-2012, 01:50 AM   #2
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
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I like women. I like normal women. The pictures of women in media are often pretty, but when I see a woman of the same size in real life, they look ... bony or fragile. I have an image of healthy that includes CURVES. Flesh, padding, softness, these are womanly characteristics and they are attractive.

Now, having said all that, the physical appearance is secondary to what really constitutes genuine beauty, and that is attitude. There are all kinds, of course, but no amount of physical anything can overcome an incompatible attitude. As Hallmark as it sounds, inner beauty shines through anything, clothes and flesh included. Physical appearance is easier to see from a distance, quicker to notice. And attention counts. If my attention is not caught, I can not learn anything about what's more important inside. I try to withhold judgement about appearance until I can learn more, important things first after all.

Originally Posted by Lazarus Long
A man does not insist on physical beauty in a woman who builds up his morale. After a while he realizes that she is beautiful--he just hadn’t noticed it at first.
I agree completely.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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