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Old 01-08-2012, 04:03 AM   #13
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
I especially dislike adverts where actors pretend to be real people.
I know that's what acting is, effectively, but these are shot to suggest this is reality.

Example toothpaste ads where people are stopped in a shopping centre or busy concourse and are free to stop and talk about their teeth and take a test. Well of course they are free to do so - well made up, young and conventionally attractive; they could only be out of work actors at that time of day.

Okay there's jealousy there. I've been interviewed a couple of times and have always got a great response. I speak in full sentences, include the question in my answer, speak concisely and clearly and don't look at the camera. ""Oh great, thanks!" and "Yup, got that one - perfect" are the responses I am used to. But no-one has ever stopped me to ask me about whether I have sensitive teeth.

Still hate the adverts anyway.

Adverts should have songs in them and feature a wide range of the general public. Including fat, old, unattractive.
And if they have to have children in them, make sure they speak properly! I can understand every word of the little boy in the Patak's advert, despite his accent. What a nice change from lisps and adenoidal problems. And gross over-acting.
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