Thread: Car question
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Old 01-07-2012, 04:24 PM   #170
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
Originally Posted by Clodfobble
It definitely is the catalytic converters failing. Both failed at the exact same time? Yes, because apparently what happened is the one failed, and then the added strain on the other was too much for it to bear so it failed very shortly after.
Well this has turned into a complete clusterfuck.

We told the mechanic we did not have the money for the repairs, and at any rate, we didn't have the time or energy to deal with this until after the holidays. He says no problem, but hey, they've got a no-interest financing option, and we should go ahead and apply for the card today so that the account will be active when we're ready. We are resigned to having to fix this at some point in the future, so we do the application. He also says that since the parts will take awhile to come in, he will order them now so that they will be in stock when we are ready.

So we drove all over Texas during the holidays, probably 1000 miles total, and the check engine light still did not come back on. The mechanic called me several times just before we left, and just after getting back, pushing me very hard to come back in and have the repairs done. Suspicious, we took it to a second mechanic... and the emissions tested just fine. Catalytic converters are A-OK, they said. HMMM.

We are prepared to call this a simple error on the first mechanic's part, though we suspect he may have known that the initial error was really just a bad tank of gas. But before we can call him to tell him the "good" news, he calls us and leaves a message cheerfully saying that they have gone ahead and charged the no-interest account we opened for $2,303, for the repair we "authorized," and wondering again when we will come in and have it done.

What the fucking fuck?!

Mr. Clod calls, and lets the guy know 1.) about the good test results on the catalytic converters, for which the guy has no explanation, 2.) that we have closed the goddamn account, and 3.) that we will be disputing the charges, and he's insane if the thinks that the card issuer is going to let him charge for parts he still has in his possession and labor he never did. The guy starts talking about restocking fees for the parts, and the conversation ends at an impasse, with Mr. Clod refusing the proposed 25% and the mechanic saying he'll check with the parts manufacturer and find out if they can "cut us a break." We actually agreed between ourselves that we'd be willing to pay 10% (of the parts cost only, certainly not the labor) just to make the problem go away, but the guy never called back to negotiate further.

So fine. Royal screwing averted, never going back to that mechanic again. Still have to deal with getting the charges off the account, but we feel confident that will happen, it will just take some legwork. Done and done.

And then yesterday, the check engine light comes back on. Fucking fuck.

If the shitty mechanic had just been patient, we'd be in his shop right now, getting the repair done. But his behavior regarding the credit card is unforgiveable, so at best we're going to someone else. Except, of course, we still don't have the money for the repair, and what are the chances that we will be able to open a no-interest car repair account now, when we just opened one, closed it days later, and currently still have $2300 sitting on it? I find that unlikely.

Kelly Blue Book is worse than we thought, the minivan is at best worth $2300 in its entirety, maybe less. So I purchased an OBD-II code reader off Amazon, with which I can shut off the light myself, and hopefully we can trade it in quickly before it comes on again. We did find another MPV at a dealer that is 2 years newer, has less than half the mileage, and is listed at $8000. So that's probably the one we'll get, if we can make the trade-in work.

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