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Old 12-24-2011, 11:59 AM   #6
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Are GOP candidates likely to gain the US Presidency in the Nov '12 national
election with pledges such as this in their political history ?
Or, are they only getting their jollies in whipping up the fever
of the far right wing of the Republican party.

NY Times
December 22, 2011

Republican Presidential Candidates Embrace Granting Legal Rights to Human Embryos
Mississippi voters said they thought twice about the proposal when they heard
that it would not only ban virtually all abortions but also some forms of contraception like I.U.D.’s
and morning-after pills, could hamper in-vitro fertilization clinics and could, doctors warned,
discourage critical medical care for pregnant women.

It has also caused a bitter split in the anti-abortion movement, with traditional leaders,
including National Right to Life and the Roman Catholic bishops, opposed to the idea on strategic grounds,
arguing that it would end in a legal debacle that only strengthens abortion rights.

These considerations have apparently not put off some of the Republican presidential aspirants,
who are polishing and trumpeting their credentials as Christian conservatives
in their efforts to be seen as the leading Not Romney.

This month, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum have all signed
a pledge to support “personhood” at conception that was crafted by Personhood USA,
a Colorado group that has continued to push the idea in several states.

Mrs. Bachmann, Mr. Gingrich and Mr. Santorum have also agreed to celebrate the personhood concept
in a “Presidential Pro-Life Forum” in Iowa next Tuesday, Dec. 27,
that will be moderated by the conservative radio host Steve Deace
and broadcast live on his syndicated program.
And besides all that:
God Discussion
December 24, 2011
By God Discussion Reporter

Ron Paul signs Personhood USA pledge, joining four other GOP candidates
Five GOP presidential candidates — Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry
and more recently, Ron Paul — have signed a pledge drafted by Personhood USA
in which the candidates promise to support a Constitutional amendment
and federal legislation imposing "personhood" laws.

Personhood USA seeks to "glorify Jesus Christ in a way that creates a culture of life
so that all innocent human lives are protected by love and by law."

The personhood legislation will recognize zygotes as human beings having constitutional rights
and ban assisted suicide, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research,
and "procedures that intentionally destroy developing human beings.
IMO, a candidate signing this pledge is asking to be rejected by the general electorate.
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