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Old 12-21-2011, 08:24 AM   #39
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I have been known to blanket the Colorado State Legislature with mass e-mailings when I get upset enough over its antics. State legislatures are much more responsive than those in D.C., needless to say, and I actually get replies. I was able to start up a dialog with a couple of Colorado Legislatures, talked on the phone with them, etc. One was on the Republican side of the aisle and the other was on the Democratic side. I liked and respected them both very much. I even told the Republican guy that if he ever decided to run for higher office, he had my vote.

Unfortunately, both these men ultimately decided to drop out of politics. One told me, "The entire system got me completely fed up. The word from above would come down and we were all expected to vote the party line, rather than for what was best for the people of Colorado. I am so disgusted with party politics that when this current session lets out, I'm going to go camp in the mountains for a month and wash my hands of the entire business."

If that's the response of honorable people - just on the State level - what hope can there be to get people with integrity into Washington, DC? Its very discouraging.
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