Thread: Surprise
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Old 12-19-2011, 07:36 PM   #8
Join Date: Apr 2006
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Originally Posted by jimhelm View Post
hold on!

What the hell is the Q for? I've heard LGBT... you're just making shit up now, right?
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Queer. It's the most inclusive iteration of the acronym - I am a strong proponent of reclaiming queer as an identity and unpolarizing descriptor of all non-hetero, non-cis, non-binarist people regardless of where they lie in the identity spectrum. I very much believe in a wide plethora of identity descriptors, to whatever point of absurdity you feel your own identity to require, and the progressive iterations of "gay community", "gay and lesbian community", "lesbian gay bisexual community" etc managed to be less than fully inclusive. I don't want to erase the asexual community (those that identify as part of the wider queer community - many don't), the genderqueer community (many of whom consider trans or even trans* (the star implies a "wildcard" suffix, not an asterisk) too limiting a definition), the pansexual community (which I feel like I belong to, even if I describe myself as bisexual, because i reject the idea that gender or even sex is so binary), etc, by staying behind the curve. I really do encourage you to try to delve into the complexities of the queer community online - there is a lot of really interesting discussion on this sort of thing, even if you find yourself skeptical or even dismissive of some of the community. I can't claim to be equally understanding of all parts of the wide community out there, but I can try to be equally supportive, regardless of how far outside the mainstream they seem to be.
not really back, you didn't see me, i was never here shhhhhh
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