Thread: GFP Bunny
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Old 01-03-2002, 03:59 PM   #13
Master of the Domain
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101 uses for a glow-in-the-dark rabbit, part 1 of a series...

OK recall if you will the venerable Cyalume lightstick. You've seen 'em. Produced as a general-use light source for industry, 99% of them (I made that figure up but I bet it's close) get used as fashion accessories at raves. The manufacturer had no idea that would happen, but now ships millions of the things each year and is happy as a pig in mud about it.

Now enter the glowing rabbit. Originally a scientific demonstration of how far one can go in meddling with genes (a rabbit and a JELLYFISH??), I see a future in them as...


No, not the kind you buy on the Internet, I mean for use at the same all-night dance extravaganzas where they use the glow sticks. You see, the dancers get all hopped up on...Mountain Dew I think...ahem...and just *love* to cuddle soft things like cats, each other, total strangers etc.

I bet these glowing rabbits would be a complete HIT on the rave scene, and could make someone a fortune.
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