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Old 12-05-2011, 11:07 AM   #11
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I disagree, Dana. Huntsman is claiming independence from corporate interests. Well maybe true, but maybe not. At any rate, Huntsman is the dream candidate for the Tea Party.

Jon Huntsman (R-Davos), the darling of Manhattan magazine writers. The Republican uncomfortable with being a Republican. Yet the policies Huntsman advocates, if implemented, would usher in a conservative, free-market, small-government revolution that no Tea Party member could help but applaud. No Thatcherite or Reaganite, either.
When Huntsman was governor of Utah, he scaled back the state human services program and left most assistance in the hands of the community. He could get away with this in Utah because the state is largely Mormon. The Mormon Church has more money than most people can imagine, and it has a very generous plan of assistance for its members.

However, if Huntsman's ideas are applied to the country as a whole, they will cause a social services nightmare along with a great deal of human suffering.
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