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Old 12-03-2011, 05:14 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post

I'm really pissed off how the "1%", and big corporations, have corrupted our government. But honestly, that's not the cause of our demise. I've often bitched that the rich only care about money, and don't give a shit about the country. I still believe that, but the bigger problem is YOU, walmart shoppers.

Blue Light Special! Aisle 3! Don't miss out on a chance to buy some Chinese stuff, saving 39 cents and fucking your country. Hurry hurry hurry!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. You couldn't possibly make ends meet without buying the cheapest crap you can find. You couldn't possibly get by with less crap. Plus you'll need those savings to replace it in a few months, because it was made cheap so it can't be repaired.
Bruce, its wonderful to read one of your posts again. As always, your thoughts are much appreciated.

I would like to address the Wall Mart issue you raised. Wall Mart has the nasty habit of moving into smaller communities and driving the small business man out of business. I agree that the members of the community should never have supported Wally World in the first place, but they did, and here we are. In my town Wall Mart got rid of Main Street so fast, it made your head spin.

People who live here have the choice of shopping at Wall Mart or the Dollar Store. We do have one independent hardware store remaining and I try to support them, but they don't carry all the items that Wall Mart does. The only other alternative people in this area have is driving 75 miles to the nearest town of any size or shopping via the Internet.

I try my hardest to buy items made in the US. I just purchased via the Internet a pair of clogs made by Merrill which I thought was a true blue American outfit. Wrong! My clogs were made in China. I notice that both catalogs and the Internet have a way of not telling you where something is manufactured. I would love to hear of a laptop computer made in the USA. I'm in the market for one and have been researching them on the Net - none seem to be American made.

Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
The Huffpost says;

What amuses me is the double speak that legislators are employing to describe the rich. Everyone who is a millionaire has suddenly become either a “producer” or a “job creator.” End Quote

Certainly not all legislators are doing that, so it should have been a little more specific. But I think Huffpost is right about the "job creator" bullshit, as I pointed out in my last post.
Just to set the record straight, I was the one who said that - not the Huffpost. And thank-you.
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