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Old 12-03-2011, 02:46 PM   #23
polaroid of perfection
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Some snips, but only to keep it concise

November 25 2011
The Daily Record (Rick Fulton)

TORCHWOOD star John Barrowman rugby-tackled a would-be-thief in a hotel.
The 44-year-old was in the Radisson Blu in Glasgow city centre when he heard a scream.

A woman and her husband had woken up to find two boys ransacking their room in the early hours of yesterday.
John tackled one of the fleeing teens along with the concierge.

The thief punched the hotel worker before the Doctor Who star was able to bring him to the ground and subdue him. John had arrived in the hotel minutes earlier.

John said: "The concierge was trying to sort my air conditioning. We heard this woman scream and shout, 'Stop him, stop him.' We saw this young boy running down the hallway. I told the concierge to chase him and called the hotel operator and told them to block the staircase so we could get him.

"I grabbed the kid's ankles, yanked him to the ground and then pulled him out into the hallway. I pinned him down.

"My tour manager then arrived and the three of us held him down until the police came." Cops are checking CCTV to find the second thief, who escaped.

He told the Record: "It was sad. He was only 14 or 15. I think he was on drugs. But I'd like to find out the boy's story and give him a second chance. Maybe he could work in the pantomime over Christmas to give him a sense of responsibility."
Cue responses to the original article and on the official JB site about rewarding criminals. About how decent 14 year olds would never get that chance. About being soft on crime.

I guess JB should just have picked up the hotel phone to complain about the noise and ask for a refund, being a VIP. And suggesting a troubled teen might benefit from discipline and a structured environment? Tcha. Like those bleeding heart liberals that want to bring back National Service at the expense of the taxpayer.

I think that's a great story.
And I'm only peeved because I read the responses directly before I posted.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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