Thread: Atkins Snacks
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Old 02-05-2004, 08:57 PM   #10
Urbane Guerrilla
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This sort of thing is why I tend to eat in the Sugarbusters(tm) style. Their basic method is to stay away from white starches and most sugars -- down to and including regular sweet corn -- unless they be taken with a generous measure of fiber. Stuff like Master's Winter Wheat whole grain bread (it's flourless, too) rather than Wonder Bread, to use a really obvious example. It's all about using fiber to slow the absorption of the carbs -- along with having the carbohydrate in bigger lumps, so it takes its time being broken down into glucose, and thus cuts your pancreas' insulin production a break -- which it turns out makes a nice remedy for Type 2 diabetes and for overweight. It's also a simple dietary method to implement, requiring nothing in the way of sole-source special foodstuffs.

About the sole commercial doings in the Sugarbusters method is that they sell you books, rather than kits full of Gosh-Wow Dieter Chow.

Give it a look. I'll bet you'll pick up some helpful tips. They have a cookbook, too, speaking of tips.
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