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Old 11-15-2011, 10:56 AM   #12
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Bottom lands of the Missoula floods
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Classic posted a video that is "classic" for what is happening to Herman Cain today.

Here is the interview video only

Here is the original article:
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Don Walker and Craig Gilbert
Nov 14, 2011

Cain stumbles on Libya question
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain,
in the midst of a Midwestern campaign swing,
stumbled badly Monday when attempting to answer a question
about whether he agreed or disagreed with President Barack Obama's
approach to handling the Libyan crisis.
Over the weekend, I started to comment on this interview,
because of the headline, I almost followed the media sheep by ridiculing Cain for his gaff.
But I did not.

Cain's campaign has later reported he was just tired from the campaign...
I believe that may well have been the case.

I watched the video and came to the conclusion that Cain actually gave a good,
reasoned answer to the question, and was been exceedingly cautious
about getting trapped by the reporters.

But I urge people to actually watch the entire interview,
and then decide if the media today is treating this story fairly.

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