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Old 11-10-2011, 11:52 AM   #15
henry quirk
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Fuck Joe Paterno.

He served at the pleasure of the university.

If he feels his discharge was unjust: he can sue.

The meat of the matter is NOT Paterno.

From Wikipedia: "Mike McQueary, then a graduate assistant, told Paterno in 2002 that he had seen Sandusky performing a sex act on a 10-year-old boy in Penn State football's shower facilities..."

McQueary, as I understand it, walked in on Sandusky and the boy and did squat to intervene.

Why isn't someone horsewhipping McQueary?

"Well, he followed procedure and reported what he saw to a superior."

Er, fuck procedure, fuck the law: If someone walks in on an adult using my five-year old nephew in such a way, I expect that someone to STOP the event, right then and there.

If *I walk in on an adult using a child in such a way, someone will be hurt.

Let the police sort out the details AFTER you horsewhip the pervert.

'Poor Joe Paterno', indeed...

*This, by the way, is not a 'moral' issue, but simply 'my' distaste for the predatory use of innocents...distaste in no small way fueled by my own love of my nephew...I don't give a shit what the law (civil or religious) has to say on the matter.
like the other guy sez: 'not really back, blah-blah-blah...'
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