Thread: Recovering...
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Old 11-01-2011, 08:50 AM   #5
pensive pam
Join Date: Apr 2011
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Posts: 538

Originally Posted by glatt View Post
Except I redacted the phone number. If you want to give a phone number out, you can do it by private message. I don't think you should be posting anyone's personal phone number on a public message board.
Thank you Mr. Glatt!!! Yes, Jessica did commendeer my account; and gave out a number, which was not mine. Yet, it was one of her ex-boyfriends. Believe me, I caught a lot of crap over I received a phone call around midnight from her ex.

I have changed my passcode; and the family is most upset. While I am going to Denmark, Jessica can whatever she wants...

Let her create a fake account and follow me like others have. I do not see the point. This is the classic case of 'little sister' out-doing 'big sister.' Sure, she knows of what user names I have used. She is my sister; but someone I no longer trust.

I will admit; the imitation of me was pretty good; but not me. It will not happen again. Since you are a moderator, you can tell my password has been changed. The old password ended with a 5. The new one ends with a 1. It is time for this 'Tom Foolery' to stop with her. Take care...

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