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Old 10-31-2011, 08:03 AM   #10
tri-continental dag hag
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 247
Can you research the history of the farm?
Well Brianna, yes and no. I live in a veeeery small town. The last owners had an extremely nasty split up. The old bloke moved to another town, and the woman is still local, but looks slightly terrified each time I see her and go up for a chat. Word has it she is still unable to get over losing her beloved farm (due to the bloke having drunk and gambled it all away) and avoids any discussion about it. The owners before that moved much further away, and are considered incommunicado due to something that happened here, so not sure how I would track them down. I've started asking neighbours if they know about the stones, but none of them knew about them. I am curious, but will have to tread carefully. At least I know they're not Aboriginal artifacts, which is when you get into very blurry territory about correct handling etc.

I was wondering if they were a fad at some time long ago, like macrame. The style of the face painting looks old fashioned to me, but I wouldn't know how to date them.
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